

Health Tips for Portion Control

Each year, December 15TH recognizes National Cupcake Day. This single-serve cake makes it convenient for small indulgence. Portion control can be more effective than completely omitting certain foods. It allows us to enjoy our favorite sweets in moderation without feeling guilty.

Here are a few more smile-friendly health tips for portion control:

    • Start with Smaller Portions -Try filling a salad plate with a good variety of foods instead of a full-sized dinner plate. This gives you the perception of more on your plate with less quantity.
    • Chew Slow – Your brain doesn’t have time to process what the food actually tastes like and that you may already be getting full. Try putting down your fork in between bites.
    • Take Smaller Bites – This goes right along with chewing slow. This slows down the amount of food you are digesting at once. Smaller bites also mean less strain on your teeth and jaw.
    • Avoid distractions – Don’t deprive your taste buds of the eating experience. Try turning off the TV during your meals. Your taste buds will thank you.
    • Utilize Resources – Free apps like My Fitness Pal are great to help track the calories you consume.

One important note, to ensure there are no hidden sugars and additives, is to make your meals from fresh ingredients. Limit the amount of processed foods in the snacks and meals you consume. Practicing these healthy habits, along with scheduling routine dental exams and cleanings, will help keep your general health and dental health on point. The staff at Trinity Premier Dental encourages healthy lifestyles for all of our patients. Stay on top of your overall health and keep your dental exams and cleanings up-to-date. Give us a call at (727) 835-7076 for your next appointment. A healthier waistline means more confident smile.


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